“If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do.'” – Angel, Season 2 Episode 16, Epiphany

This website is about rethinking our relationships with the animals we encounter every day: the companions with whom we share our homes, the farmed animals we might eventually find on our plates, the wild animals whose lives we impact with the clothing we buy, the waste we throw away or the tourist experience we Instagram, and the laboratory animals who tested the cosmetics in our bathroom cabinet. 

As well as writing and blogging about animal ethics, I’m co-author of ‘The Clean Pet Food Revolution: How Better Pet Food Will Change The World‘, a book aimed at dog and cat owners interested in alternative proteins for their pets. It explores the problems associated with conventional animal meat in pet food and looks for kinder, safer alternatives, from plant-based diets for dogs to cultivated (‘lab-grown’) mouse meat for cats.

In my free time, I write regularly for THE PACK, a revolutionary new dog food start-up creating healthy, plant-based wet food that dogs absolutely love. I also have some long-reads for Plant Based News on this topic. In January 2023 I published a 30-page free eBook on plant-based dog feeding, in collaboration with THE PACK and Plant Based News.

I also recently published the results of my dissertation for the Winchester MSc in Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law in PLOS ONE journal. The paper explores pet owner attitudes to feeding cultivated meat to cats and dogs, and how this compares to willingness to eat cultivated meat themselves.

Day to day, I work in academic publishing at Taylor & Francis Publishing, commissioning Life Science and Veterinary books under the CRC Press science imprint for professionals and students. I’m always looking for new book ideas, so if you’re a veterinarian, animal welfare scientist, marine researcher or ecologist with an exciting proposal for a text or reference guide, do get in touch!

My belief is that we owe more to animals than simply to improve their welfare in existing systems of exploitation. We should strive towards a world where nonhuman animals are recognised as beings with moral and legal rights. But in the meantime, every small step we can take along the way to improve animal lives must be worthwhile.

Below you can find links to:

  • My published work, including blogs for THE PACK, PBN, A-LAW and others, podcast interviews and published essays.
  • Other blog pieces I’ve published for this website.
  • Essays I’ve written for my MSc, transcribed in a slightly less academic format!

You can also click through the Menu bar to find vegan-friendly travel and lifestyle posts.

The header image I’ve used in this blog is by the wonderful Sammantha Fisher, whose candid images of animals never fail to move me. Check out her website here. 

Instagram @alicemicrowave

Twitter @alice_oven



  1. I agree with your sentiments about performing animals in circuses. I’ve always thought there should be stronger legislation in this area and have often wondered how many animals suffer without anyone knowing. I don’t go to circuses because I know I would find it too upsetting. Thank you for posting on this.

  2. Thank you Alice. I’d like to share with you my recent TEDx talk on how we can do better biomedical research as scientists if we consider the psychological wellbeing of the animals we study. With modern technologies, we can house them in much larger, more naturalistic spaces that offer them challenges that they can overcome.
    My TEDx talk is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Q1aDrGRlrU


  3. A really motivated blog article alice. Loved reading it and so much good stuff given in a very sophisticated way. Thanks a lot for sharing it and hats off to your work too.

  4. Hi Alice, I just listened to your podcast about the veggie foods for your pets and I think it is very important. As a long time vegan (36 yrs) I hate feeding what I do to my pets, 2 dogs and 3 cats but I have felt bad about imposing my vegan lifestyle on them. My husband is not vegan😞and after all this time he probably never will be so I will not have his support on switching them. I did take a look at the Wild Earth and wow it is even more expensive than the high end food I am currently feeding but there aren’t many canned food options out there and the one I did try my GSD wasn’t thrilled about so I am really looking forward to the cultured meat options if they are even vaguely affordable? And hopefully I will live long to see them happen. So keep up the good work and thanks for all you are doing for the animals. We need you.

    1. Thank you so much for this kind comment, Janelle, it’s made my day! And thank you for all the years you’ve been vegan too – you are an inspiration, and I can only imagine how many lives you’ve saved through your compassionate lifestyle. I think that feeling you describe of ‘imposing’ your beliefs on your pets is really pervasive, and I know I felt it at one point too. However, once I realised that actually my dog loves the plant-based food I give him just as much as the old meaty kibble, AND it’s so much better for him health-wise, I stopped feeling bad about it. I know he’s enjoying his food and feeling healthier and more energetic because of his diet, and my own beliefs have nothing to do with it. The expense is definitely an issue though! Where are you based? Here in the UK there’s a new vegan pet food company launching soon called The Pack, who do canned wet food at a reasonable price. I currently feed my dog Green Petfood’s VeggieDog, which is a German brand I buy online, and it’s expensive but not ridiculous. Hopefully prices will go down as this becomes more popular. And I have high hopes for cultured pet food on the horizon too! Thanks again for your feedback, Janelle, and have a lovely evening.

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